Habit tracking like you've never seen.

What is every daily tracker or habit building app is missing?
-> The human interaction.



Descover you full potential.

What all online course, training and learning lack: the classroom experience of having other people around you learning at the same time.
You don't need to be alone anymore.

Peer support

Nothing is as motivating and encouraging as other people taking action and sharing their progress.
Grow together.

Daily habit tracker

With our Day Log system, you'll be able to keep track of your progress at the same time as you share it with others.
Remember where you started.

Constant updates

We keep on creating all the time so you can find the one that suits you best.
And if you can't find one that suits, create your own and invite others to join you.

Many habits built and skills learned

People who join Challengers Community keep comming back!


Challenges started


Groups organized


What participants say

To make sure we have authentic feedback and to best help us keep improving, we perform regular anonymous survey of what people think of Challengers Community.
Here is some of these feedbacks.

Reading Challenge

" I join this group because I want to stick to my reading plan. It is helpful. "

Gratitude Challenge

" It was my 3rd month and I think i will continue, it's a great habit and I'm loving it. I tried to practice it before in my own but it's so hard ti keep up! I love that this group is a constant reminder of it and I have to do it daily now. "

Minimalism Challenge

" After several days it became involuntary and decluttering happened as a natural thing. "

Minimalism Challenge

" I'd love to do something similar again!
I love it. "

Gratitude Challenge

" It didn't feel like an end, for me it's just a beginning. I need more 🖤 "

Gratitude Challenge

" I love how everyone was able to share freely both their challenges and also their wins. "

Positive words to significant other Challenge

" Such a meaningful challenge. I felt very supported too, and able to open and share. It helped me personally to rebuild my relationship with husband by making a conscious effort in better understanding how he was communicating or received information. "

Atomic Habits Challenge

" I think it was great! It actually helped me to get back to my paper tracking system. "

Language learning Challenge

" It's awesome and it's great to see the sharing and supportive spirit from the group members. I think it's still challenging for me to study, but I'm already in this intention. "

Digital minimalism Challenge

" It was great to set a goal about time for no screens and also to report easily by screenshotting time we spent on the phone. "

Gratitude Challenge

" Loved the authenticity from the group, some meaningful share. Feels like a genuine community and I'd meet in person. Thank you. "

Meditation Challenge

" It's great to have these groups to hold me accountable for my goals. "

Fitness Challenge

" Loved every aspect of it. It's good to be in a community that pushes you to do something which is beneficial "

Reading & Writing Challenge

" It was nice to have a community of people all sticking to their plans despite being busy in life. "

Fitness Challenge

" It was great to go through it and seeing everyone's success. It'd also feel "normal" and authentic to hear more about the process of people's fitness journey including physical and mental blocks. "

Personal finance Challenge

" I loved it! "

Personal finance Challenge

" Very engaged, shared their knowledge and questions. There was accountability and that helped me stick to the plan. I'm saving more and being more mindful of my daily consumption and expenses. "

Personal finance Challenge

" Very engaged, shared their knowledge and questions. There was accountability and that helped me stick to the plan. I'm saving more and being more mindful of my daily consumption and expenses. "

Steps Challenge

" Made me more desciplined. "

Morning routine Challenge

" I loved it. Whole month I was keeping the step count. I felt cared and accountable. "

Healthy eating Challenge

" I like to see what people shared about the healthy eating. "

Writing Challenge

" This challenge forced me to make the time to do what I kept putting off for tomorrow. "

And many more

Take the first step into transforming your life

Download the app and meet people focusing on the same changes you want to do.