
Terms of use

Our app Challengers (“we”, “us”, “our”, “app”) is operated by Challengers.Community. All the terms on this app such as “we”, “us”, “our”, “us”, “app” refer to Challengers app services (“services”) and towards the creator and founder of the app. The information is available through this app to you (“user”, “member”) through these Terms of Use (“Terms”) and is conditioned on your acceptance of the terms, the polices and everything else posted here. By visiting our app, you have engaged in our service, and you are bound by the terms and rules of the app. Read these terms carefully. All the terms in our Terms Of Use page and Privacy Policy page together constitute an agreement between you and this app. These terms shall apply to you as a user, member, or anyone who has accessed this app. If you are not in agreement with the terms provided on this page or any one of the terms available on our Privacy Policy, you may not have the permission to use our app in any way.

Challengers is a networking service that allows members to share their vision, ideas, experiences, and solve shared problems. We are more than happy that you chose us and we will try our best to be always at your service.


You agree to and are bound by the terms of use set forth below which we may publish from time to time.  Anyone who is using our app and services is in agreement with our Terms of Use. This means that anyone who is accessing our app, sharing our content and material whether in the form of image, text, video, or illustration accepts our terms. 

We may change and modify these terms depending on the situation from time to time. Your continued access or use of the app constitutes your acceptance of such changes. Your access and use of the app will be subject to the current version of the Terms of Use, rules, and guidelines posted on this page at the time of such use.


2.1. Age Requirement

You must be over 13 in order to use our app and services. If you are under 13 then we require you to show us that your parent(s) have consented that you may use the app. This step has been taken in accordance to comply with the “Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act” or “COPPA”.

Notice To Parents: You can let your child use this app with your consent. Any service of Challengers app does not knowingly collect data from kids under 13. If your kid is using our app without your permission, please report it to us. Please read further about this in our Privacy Policy.

2.2. Information Requirement

Challengers is a networking and chatting platform that offers a multi-level online place that is hassle-free, responsive, and quick. In order to make sure that all the functions of our service should be performed in an orderly manner we will need to collect certain information from our registered users. To do so we may need to an email address, usernames as well as other personal phone details and app usage.  Please know that the information you will provide during the registration process will only be used to provide our services and maintain your account and this information will be collected and managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

During the registration process, you will provide complete and accurate information and you and only you are responsible for maintaining your account information.

2.3. User Consent and Acceptance 

Since our services primarily use the app to enable its users for the purpose of interacting with each other through an online platform, thus, by using our services and app you hereby accept our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and other rules stated on and through our app. Moreover, you give us your consent to use all services lawfully and legally. You as a user are deemed to be in acceptance with these terms, conditions, agreements, and policies on our app if you use our services in any way.

2.4. Restrictions

You can only use our services through your own account and you can never use another member’s account without permission. Doing so may get you banned permanently.


The source code, logos, words, designs, videos, samples, layout, graphics, photos, images, information, materials, documents, data, databases, and all other information and intellectual property accessible on or through Challengers app is our property and is protected by International copyright and intellectual property laws.

If you have used our app or otherwise entered into a separate agreement with us you will also be bound by the terms, conditions, or rules of that agreement.

3.1 Grant of License With Our Approval

In case you wish to use any part of the services as a part of your application or modify any part of the services, such a use will be subject to Challenger’s app prior approval and for that, you will be entered into a separate license agreement with us. Any custom, commercial or enterprise use of the services shall be governed by the Separate License Addendum or such other separate agreement as may be required by us.

3.2 Granting of License for User Content

You may use our services to create videos, images, illustrations, texts, questions, comments, and other content (“User Content”). Challengers claim no ownership to that content and your content will be under your control and will be maintained by you. By submitting your user content you accept our terms and you expressly grant, and affirm and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant to our platform a royalty-free, transferable, editable, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, publicly display, and make subsidiary works of all such content and your name, products, illustrations, images, videos voice, and likeness as contained in your content, in whole or in part and any form or technology exiting now or may exist in the future if you wish to choose and according to your privacy settings for your content sharing.


Since this app is a social networking platform where different users can integrate and behave differently, thereby you are fully responsible for any content you create, submit, view, share, or upload. You affirm, confirm and warrant that you have all the necessary rights for the content you are sending, uploading and submitting on our Challengers app or you have necessary permission from the original copyright owner for doing so. You further confirm that your content will not be against the law for the time being in force. Challengers app and Challengers.Community’s team reserves the right to remove and permanently delete any content, including any content submitted or modified by any user, without notice, and for any reason. We may at our discretion choose to monitor the content for any illegal and unlawful behavior which may include algorithmic and automated means. Thereby, there may be instances where content is removed which are according to our terms and not breaking any rules. If you believe that your content has been unjustifiably removed, you can contact us, and we will investigate it in the first instance. Content on the app comes from a variety of sources. You understand that we are not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights of or relating to this content. Although users must agree to these Terms, other users (including unauthorized users) may post or transmit offensive or obscene materials that you may be involuntarily exposed to such offensive or obscene materials, and you hereby agree to waive and do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against us with respect to thereto.

4.1. Prohibition Of Adult, Obscene And Sexually Explicit Content

Adult content, sexually explicit content whether in the form of text, audio, image, video, or any other form which is considered explicit content is prohibited. The following content is strictly prohibited and will be removed without any warning. Any such content will be automatically removed without any warning by our AI software.

In case you noticed any content which our AI system has failed to notice or remove, make sure to report it and we will remove it immediately.


By using our app either directly or indirectly, you agree that you will only use this service for the purposes within these terms of use and according to law, regulations and other guidelines which are either expressly or impliedly have been given.

5.1. By Using Challengers App And  Services You Understand That

  1. Accessing any of our resources by means other than we provide is prohibited. You agree that you will not access our app by any unlawful manner or any other unethical manner whichever it may be.
  2. By using and accessing the Challengers app you are agreeing that any information you provide will always be correct, accurate, and according to law.
  3. By accessing our app and using it you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any login, registration, or any information associated with any account you access and use. Henceforth, you agree that you are solely responsible for the activities that occur under your account.
  4. When using our app it is prohibited to engage in any activity or business which may disrupt or interfere with our app, its content, our services, and our business.
  5. You agree that you will not duplicate, copy, or counterfeit source code, logos, business models, products, videos, samples, services in any way neither will you sell them on your own.
  6. By using our app you agree that you are responsible for the consequences, losses, or damages that may incur, directly or indirectly due to any unlawful, unethical, or unauthorized activity as explained above. For which you may be held responsible in the eyes of law.
  7. You will report any unethical, illegal, adult content, or any other prohibited content to us.

5.2. You Agree and Consent That You Will Not

  1. Use defamatory, threatening, illegal, invasive, deceptive, fraudulent, degrading, racist, demeaning, or any sort of inappropriate behavior on the Challengers app.
  2. Break or infringe any copyright, trademark, or any other intellectual property law in any way or manner that may harm now or in the future to our app and our business.  
  3. You will not post adult, sexually explicit, or pornographic content.
  4. Impersonate any person and use a fake name or gain access to anyone’s account in any way or manner that may deem unlawful.
  5. You will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the app.
  6. Use, upload, send, transfer any malware, computer virus, Trojan, or any other program that may harm and disrupt the services of the app in any way.
  7. You will not tamper with any copyrighted material in any way.

In any case, we have the right to remove any material objectionable or otherwise without any notice and we will not be held liable for any of our activities. Thus, by submitting your content to the app, you as a user completely agree to our terms of use and give us permission to remove, delete, change, modify, adapt, translate or publish any of your content posted on our app.


In no event will we at Challengers app or Challengers.Community be liable to any individual, company, party, the legal team for any type of direct, indirect, special, incidental, equitable, or consequential damages for any use of or reliance on our app, its services, and its content, or those affiliated with Challengers.Community in any way, and you hereby release us from any and all claims, including, without limitation, those related to the loss of any profits, personal or business hindrances, interruptions, personal injuries, accidents, misapplication of information, or any other loss, mental or physical problem, condition or issue, or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages or difficulties.

6.1. Security Measures

We care about the security of personal information, content, and sensitive material and we make sure that all materials, content, and information is under full security. However, we do not and will not guarantee that anyone through unlawful and unauthorized means will never be able to defeat our security measures or use your content or personal information for illegal purposes. By using our services, you acknowledge that you provide your content and personal information at your own risk and you and you alone are fully responsible for your content and information. You agree to notify us of any unauthorized use of your registration information, any other breach or any other suspicious activity that you may notice.

6.2. Testimonials

We may present on our app pages (like Apple store or Playstore) real experiences, and reviews about other people’s experiences with our app. These reviews experiences, testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients and results they personally achieved, or they are reviews from individuals who can speak about our app and services about the quality of our work. Each user or member has approved these testimonials and photos for use on our app, products, and services, but they are not intended to prove or guarantee that the same results and experiences would be achieved for future customers.  Rather, these reviews and experiences represent what is possible with the usage of our app, services, and communications. Each of these unique reviews and comments, and any and all results reported in these testimonials and reviews by our customers on our app, and services, are the results of different variables, some of which we cannot control.

6.3. Disclaimer Regarding Our App

Except as stated or otherwise provided, our app (Challengers), services related to the app are provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind whether that expressly or impliedly. The group guides in our app are not experts in the relevant field and the users of our app are encouraged to seek professional help before relying on any information provided by the group guides. Challengers app, Challengers.Community, its owners, shareholders, employees, managers, or anyone related to our app will not be in any way held accountable for any warranty or guarantee claim. By using our app and services you as a user or a member do hereby indemnify us from all claims that may result in any of the conditions as stated above.

6.4. Disclaimer in Special Cases

  • You hereby confirm and warrant that you have all authority necessary to hold yourself (including your company or group) to our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and our rules and that you are not forbidden or prohibited from accessing the third party API services which you may use to access our app. Furthermore, you also confirm and warrant that in case of any data loss, data leak, a hack or any other person or account damage when using third party API, you agree that you indemnify and hold our company, our employees, agents, and affiliates harmless from and against any suits, claims, liabilities, expenses or damages.
  • All our business practices and workability are in accordance with the prescribed limits of the laws governed by the State. Thus, we are bound by any government regulations and/or provinces’ local laws and any new law, ordinance, regulations, and code that may be formed in the future. In any case of such new government regulation or intervention of law enforcement agencies, we shall not be held responsible for the disruption in our services. 
  • Challengers app and its team shall not be held responsible in any event, accident, damage, or problems which may be caused by malfunction of any technical equipment or any disruption in technology whether such equipment or technology is in our control or to someone else’s. You as a user do hereby release us of any such claims with regards to our services and app that may arise in case of any technical disasters. 


Reference or links through our app or services to any other individual business or entity’s information, opinions, advice, programs, products, or services do not constitute our formal endorsement. We are merely sharing information for your own self-help only. We are not responsible for the app’s content, blogs, e-mails, videos, social media, programs, products, and/or services of any off-site web pages, companies or persons linked or referenced in our app videos and services.


We reserve the right in our sole discretion to refuse or terminate your access to our app and all of its services in full or in part, at any time with or without notice. In case if your access and account get terminated, you will be no longer be able to access the part of the app affected by such termination. The restrictions imposed on you in these terms of use with respect to the app, services, and content will still apply now and in the future, even after termination by you or us.


We reserve the right to amend (add, delete, replace) these terms at any time by writing amended Terms of Use. In case of any amendment or change the new terms will be enforced the moment they are posted here and will have the same value as these terms. If you continue to use our app or services after the amendments, it will be assumed that you have agreed on those terms and accepted them.

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