As the Group Guide Coordinator, your role is to keep the Group Guides up to date of the main actions they can take in their groups to get the most participation.

You also keep in check with them to be able to detect when a Group Guide needs some support, in which case you can ask to the team if someone can be of assistance.


This role is reserved for those who have already been a Group Guide for at least 3 month.

The role is given for 3 consecutive month and the end of which you MUST find a successor to take over the role for the next 3 month.

You cannot do two 3 month period in a row. And the end of the 3 month you must have found someone from the team to give the responsibility to. You can, however, do the role multiple times as long as it is not consecutive.

Key monthly reminders per day of the month:

  • Day 1: Call participants to introduce themselves &
  • Day 2: reminder of the “No Observer” rule
  • Day 3/4: remember to remove observers
  • Day 5: Its a good time to start looking for Weekly Hosts
  • Day 7: Its a good time to reflect on your progress so far
  • Day 14: Its a good time to reflect on your progress so far
  • Day 20: Reach out for a successor (or a potential Group Guide)
  • Day 21: Its a good time to reflect on your progress so far
  • Day 25: Ask you Weekly Host if they are interested to be a Group Guide and lead their own group
  • Day 28: Look back where you’ve started, look how far you’ve got
  • Day 30/31: Congratulate your group for the effort they have put in, and Congratulate yourself for the impact you have created in other people’s life.

Don’t forget!

  • Day 10 of the 3rd month: Ask in the team for the next Group Guide Coordinator & reach out to potential volunteer
  • Day 20 of the 3rd month: Announce to the team the Group Guide Coordinator successor