Welcome Challengers! 🎉

I am super excited to start this new challenge with you! We will start our challenge on June 1st. 😊

Please share your challenge with the group

➡️ Who are you, where are you from

➡️ Your goal for this challenge

➡️ How you will share your progress

⚠️NOTE: In order to keep the group focused, those who did not share their challenge with the group will be remove when the challenge starts.

This group is for us to share our progress on a regular basis. Don’t be afraid to share your difficulties or share your tips along the way.

We will be updating our challenges and our goal on a weekly basis to keep our motivation and adjust along the way.

Note that Group Guides do not claim to be experts in any way. We are same as you learning a new skill. We recommend you get in touch with a professional if you have any doubt or are not feeling good during your challenge.

Looking forwards to hear about all your challenges! 😊

If its your first time around, please check these quick guidelines: : https://challengers.life/challengers-etiquette-what-to-do-in-a-challenge-group/

More links about Challengers

  1. https://challengers.life/tip-1-start-easy/
  2. https://challengers.life/tip-2-make-a-planning/
  3. https://challengers.life/tip-3-ways-to-keep-track-of-your-challenge-progress/
  4. https://challengers.life/tip-4-avoid-getting-bored-by-varying-the-difficulty/
  5. https://challengers.life/tip-5-achieve-more-by-adjusting-your-long-term-target-and-your-goal/
  6. https://challengers.life/tip-6-share-your-challenge-with-your-friends/
  7. https://challengers.life/tip-7-when-you-struggle-better-to-do-the-minimum-than-to-skip-your-challenge/
  8. https://challengers.life/tip8-make-your-challenge-fun/
  9. https://challengers.life/tip9-take-a-rest/