Telling people about your challenge may be a double edged sword if you don’t do this properly. So let’s define it properly.

The tip is to share your challenge with your friends, family, or anyone you are sure you will see again during your challenge. Do not share with random people who you will not meet again.

Share with people you meet often

By sharing with people close to you, you will force yourself to keep going so that next time you see your friend you won’t have to say you haven’t followed will your challenge. You know you will see your friend again, and you know he/she will ask about your progress. Call it an unofficial accountability partner if you want.

Don’t share with random people

You do not want to share with random people. Studies have shown that people who share their challenges with others have the feeling of accomplishment even without doing their challenge, and thus tend to do less of their challenge because they feel they have already done it. So sharing with random people will put you more vulnerable to the false impression of accomplishment.

Don’t accept praises until you finished your challenge

When you do share with your friends, make sure you don’t take any pride in sharing your challenge. Especially, if they congratulate you on starting such a difficult challenge, tell them not to congratulate you now, and that you haven’t don’t anything yet and that he/she can congratulate you at the end of the challenge, once you actually have succeeded. Insist on not taking any pride or congratulations until you are truly successful in your challenge.

Next tip: Better do the minimum than to do nothing.



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