It was cold, the water was dripping all over me, and I couldn’t understand how I got here. Even worst, […]
When building a habit, repetition is the key. You need to reinforce the trigger that will lead you to your […]
Telling people about your challenge may be a double edged sword if you don’t do this properly. So let’s define […]
When starting a new challenge, we often don’t know how it will take place. Many variables are unknown, and our […]
So you’ve started your challenge and have been doing so for a few days. Are you starting to feel tired […]
When learning to do something new, it is easy to lose sight of where we are going and where we […]
When learning a new skill or habit, we are often tempted to set ourselves a fix daily target or fix […]
When starting a new challenge, we are usually at the top of our motivation, completely pumped some would say. And […]
Christian has been part of Challengers for a couple years now. His journey through his different challenges is very interesting and inspiring. Here is his story.
Include some rest in your challenge Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner neither a trainer. I have been training […]
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